Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9.25.08 Member Meeting

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Meeting Minutes:

Phi Theta Kappa
Butler Community College
Alpha Phi Alpha

Member Meeting September 25th, 2008
6:00 p.m. Butler Community College of Andover

I.President Ashley Kim called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM
II.Officer Reports

A.Ashley Kim- President – Ashley has been organizing things for the meeting, as well preparing to participate in the Susan G. Komen race for the cure. She has also been working on the new member orientation and induction.

Additionally, Ashley mentioned that there are currently two open officer positions. Anyone who is interested in more information on these positions should contact her for more information.

Lastly, she mentioned her participation in the recent phone-a-thon.

B.Bo Tucker- Leadership – Bo mentioned that Grizzly Adventures and adopt a highway will be taking place on Oct. 25th. Lunch will be provided for those who are participating.

C.Becci Higgs- Correspondence – She has been working hard to get the minutes edited and posted to the group.

D.Jenni Alonso- Public Relations – She has been working on getting a blog put together for the newsletter, as well as for all of our Phi Theta Kappa pictures.

E.Sarah Kirkwood- Treasurer – Sarah is a new officer, so she briefly introduced herself to us. She let us know that she is currently a sophomore from Augusta, and that she is an accounting major. She also participated in the recent leadership summit.

Additionally, she let us know that there is currently $711.29 in the treasury, and that she has been going over the budget.

Sarah also mentioned needing assistance with coming up with ideas for fundraisers. If you have any ideas that you’d like to share please email us at ptk@butlercc.edu. However, just because you give us an idea for an event… that does not mean that you have to head the fundraiser up if you don’t wish to.

F.Laura Houser- Scholarship – Laura passed out a scholarship activities sheet, as well as a yellow sheet that mentioned tutoring. There is contact information on both sheets if you are interested in assisting with tutoring.

She also discussed the international dinner, which will be held Nov. 22nd at 5 PM. A signup sheet was passed around for people to commit to bringing a dish from a specific country for the dinner, as well as to help out in other ways at the event. Currently Laura is still looking for a speaker for the event.

The book and movie club is still looking for participants. If you’d like to join in on the fun please contact Laura for more information.

III.Old Business

A.Fall Kick-Off Party – This year we had the highest number to ever attend the first meeting of the year!

Orange sheets were passed around for everyone to write down what they liked and what they would change about the event. The following replies were received:
Ken Poole – He wrote that next year he would have the event in the park again.
Kristi Gildner – She wrote that she really enjoyed meeting new people, as well as the mixers. However, next year she’d like to see it take place somewhere that is easier to find.

Christy Bush – She would like to have a little more notice of the event, as well as more information about it.

Hayley Powers – Hayley enjoyed the games to help to get to know everyone’s names, as well as the fact that family was welcome. However, next year she’d like better directions and more definite officer plans.

Ashley Kim – Ashley enjoyed the attendance and mixing with our sister chapter. She would like for us to be more specific on the location next year, and to see us provide better directions.

Susan – She enjoyed the number of people that attended compared to last year, meeting new people, the icebreakers, mixing with our sister chapter, and the fellowship. Next year she’d like to see better directions, more structure, and more people to help cook.

Jenni Alonso – Jenni enjoyed the food, games, and the attendance. Next year she’d just like to see even better attendance.

Laura Houser – She also enjoyed the food, games, and involvement from everyone. She’d like to see things more organized next year, as well as more time for an actual meeting.

B.Phone-A-Thon – The phone-a-thon was held this past Saturday from 10-3 PM. Almost all of the officer team, as well as a few members, came to the event. A total of 385 people were called, but there are still some that need to be contacted. If you’re willing to help with calling the remaining people please contact Ashley for the list.

IV.New Business

A.Regional Leadership Conference- Susan Forrest
September 26-27th
Laura and Sonia Houser will be attending the event with Susan.

B.Susan G Komen Race for the Cure- Ashley Kim
September 27th 6-11 AM
Please come and help to facilitate the race if you can. This counts as a service project.

A pink sheet was passed around for people to signup if they are able to come help with the event.

C.Blood Drive- Susan Forrest
September 29th 8-4:30 PM (10 AM – 3:30 PM actual drive)
The time slot of 2-3:30 PM is open for donating blood still. A signup sheet was passed around for anyone who was interested in participating.

1.If you want to volunteer you can also signup on the orange sheet that was passed around. People are needed to help check in, assist with health checks, escort people to the canteen area, and to serve food.

This event will be located in the Kansas room, which is same room that we used for inductions.

D.New Member Orientation- Ashley Kim
October 1-2nd 6-7 PM
1.On Oct. 1st the orientation will be held at BOE in the purple room.
2.On Oct. 2nd it will be held in BOA in the SGA room.
Members please attend this event if you can. A signup sheet was passed around for those who might be able to attend and help with the orientation.
A draft agenda sheet was included in our packets at the start of the meeting.

E.New Member Induction- Ashley Kim
October 19th 12-4 PM (The event will actually be from 2-3 PM. The remaining time accounts for setting up, cleaning up, as well as other preparations for the induction.)
Help is needed to setup, cleanup, and run the event.
1.A signup sheet was passed around for people to signup to help for any amount of time between 12-4 PM.

V.Open Q/A

A clarification was made on what exactly BoA and BoE stands for.
BoA stands for Butler of Andover.
BoE stands for Butler of Eldorado.
There was also a clarification made on the book club. It was mentioned that you must either purchase the book yourself, or check it out from a library.

VI.Final Advisor Remarks

A slideshow on scholarship programs was shown.

VII.The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 PM after Sarah Kirkwood seconded the motion.

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